What Happens If (When?) Apparel Prices Rise?

We sell a lot of apparel. It’s where we, as an industry, make somewhere between a lot to most of our money. We’ve benefited over many years from apparel prices that have risen slowly if at all, and certainly more slowly than inflation. This article demonstrates that. It further tells us that apparel prices have started to rise and that they may rise more in the future. 

The increase is due to rising labor costs in China, and the cost of inputs, especially cotton. What happens if the cost of getting a garment made continues to rise or even does some catching up with general price levels?
We’ll do what we can, of course, to keep that from happening. You are all aware of some movement out of China to lower labor cost countries. However, you’ll note in the article how much apparel still comes from China.
We’ll try and pass on some price increases to consumers, but that has its limits. Especially in this economy. Perhaps it’s an extreme example, but you may recall that UGGs tried to pass on a big increase in sheepskin cost to consumers and the consumers wouldn’t accept it.
I imagine we’ll cut the number of pieces we make with the goal of increasing volume per style. That’s already happening at some companies and it’s my longstanding recommendation that you take a look at your SKU numbers anyway. There’s money to be made there.
We’ll try and substitute cheaper materials without sacrificing quality. We’ll design for easier manufacturing.
We can look hard at our customers and try to figure which ones are, or are not, sensitive to price increases and why. Your dream is to have a customer who wants/needs your product so badly that price doesn’t matter. Mine too.
You might find yourself taking a hard look at your distribution as price increases can mean that certain products will no longer be competitive in certain channels.
I can’t help but notice that these are all good things to do anyway, and I hope they are already part of your normal business processes. Let’s hope apparel prices stay under control though, of course, “hope” is never a valid strategy. 



2 replies
    • jeff
      jeff says:

      Hi Stikman,

      As you know, I think a little scarcity, if not carried to extremes, is a good thing. Bet your wife will pay full price without even thinking about it when she finds them.




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